Legend Brands ODORx Space Spray™


Industrial strength solvent-based odor counteractant effective against severe smoke and pet odors.

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Industrial strength solvent-based odor counteractant effective against severe smoke and pet odors.

Space Spray is an industrial-strength odor counteractant effective in a wide variety of applications. Space Spray provides superior pet odor control and makes an excellent room freshener after carpet or upholstery cleaning.

Mixing: Space Spray is ready to use. No mixing is required. To reduce product intensity, Space Spray may be extended with isopropyl or denatured alcohol.

Application: Mist lightly onto affected area. For severe pet odors, inject into odor sources with syringe.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Formulation RTU
Sold in gallon cases 4 one gallon (3.8L) bottles
Case reorder no. 432752901
Flash point 116º F | 46.6º C
Appearance Clear yellow liquid
pH 4–7
Specific gravity 0.79